United Methodist Women is a community of women, whose PURPOSE is:
- to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ;
- to develop a creative, supportive fellowship;
- and to expand concepts of mission through participation
- in the global ministries of the church.
We welcome new members and are always excited to share about the many ways that United Methodist Women are involved in mission…making a difference, every day, in the lives of women, children and youth…around the world, and in our own communities. If you would like more information about United Methodist Women here at First United Methodists Church contact any of the officers.
Here are the officers:
President – Traci Snyder
Vice President – June Petrie
Secretarty – Nan Campbell
Treasurer – Linda Greeer
Secretary of Program Resources – Janice Lentz
Also, tell that we meet the 2nd Monday of each month, at 7:00, in the multi-purpose room. We alternate between a program and a mission opportunity during the meetings.