First United Methodist Church Taylorsville is active in many local, national, and global ministries. Our missions ministry provides a wide variety of opportunities to share God’s love.
International Mission Trips
Our church supports individuals and groups who would like to participate on Mission Teams to places such as Lithuania, Armenia, Guatemala and Kenya. We provide Christmas shoeboxes to Armenia and have sent two church teams to Guatemala to provide stoves and water filters in homes.
National Mission Trips
Our church sent teams for 4 consecutive years to Louisiana to help rebuild homes after Hurricane Katrina. Teams have also gone to Alabama for rebuilding and recovery work.
Covenant Missionary
Our church supports the General Board of Global Ministries in a covenant relationship. We take teams of workers to the Response Center several times a year (which is supported by the Global Ministries) to pack boxes for shipment to Armenia or to check UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) kits.
Local Ministries
FUMCT participates in local partnership with Taylorsville Elementary School. We enjoy special relationships such as pairing with staff members as prayer partners, adopting classrooms, serving as lunch buddies to students who need special attention and providing food for staff on special days.
Habitat for Humanity
We partner with Habitat of Alexander County to provide meals for workers 6 times a year and to volunteer at builds to help improve housing options and lives in our community.
Prison Ministry
We partner with Alexander Correctional Institute, a maximum security prison for men. We provide chapel services, teach Disciple Bible Study weekly and assist with hygiene packets for inmates at Christmas.
Helping Pot
Each third Sunday, the outreach Committee designates a charity or project for which a special offering is taken. Examples: Duke Energy “Share the Warmth”, Hospice, Prison Ministry and the Backpack Program. Several times a year the offering is designated for the Alexander Christian Crisis Center. We also collect food each month for them.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Meets 2nd Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m.. We crochet, knit and create prayer shawls, lap afghans, baby afghans, toboggans and blankies for children. These are given to people in time of grief, sickness and people in nursing homes, etc.